crafted by photobiz


One of the most important things to any successful photo shoot is preparation.

Prior to your photo session, Mr. Struve will speak with you to discuss your objectives for the shoot. It is very important that you are comfortable and that we are clear on what you want to accomplish with your shoot. Mr. Struve will help you pick and stylize your wardrobe including accessories in order to achieve the desired look for your portrait. Additionally, Mr. Struve will design the studio set or select the location to create the proper ambiance for your portrait.

When it comes to grooming, do not wait until last minute to do things like haircuts, coloring, waxing, tanning, etc. Please give your body at least four or five days prior to the shoot to “recover” from such grooming activities. Everybody heals at different rates and you want to be photographed at your best, not while your body is still healing.

Another key element to a successful photo shoot is teamwork. Everyone involved in a shoot has a pivotal role to perform. We work with our clients, make-up artists, stylists and photo assistants to ensure a successful photo shoot. Mr. Struve will be personally involved in every detail of the shoot.

It may sound obvious, but you can expect technical excellence in the photographs. The photographs will be well composed, exposed correctly, properly color balanced, and in focus. We are consistently surprised by how many of our new clients’ “professionally” done photographs lack technical expertise.

While we will work hard to produce the best portrait possible, we cannot do it alone. We need your help. You can help us by arriving on time (if not a little bit early). You will be less stressed, more relaxed and better able to focus on the task at hand. Be prepared by doing your homework prior to the shoot. This includes the items mentioned above. Please get as much sleep as possible at least four or five nights in a row prior to the shoot, preferably at least 8 hours per night. Also, please drink a ½ gallon (64 oz) of water or more per day at least four or five days prior to the shoot. By doing this, you will give yourself the greatest chance of looking your best for the shoot.

During the shoot, the two most important things to remember are to relax and have fun!